Companies large and small regularly plan team-building activities to help employees connect with one another and shake up the normal routines of business. Team-building events can boost company morale, improve problem-solving skills, and help employees see each other as people and not just coworkers. Scavenger hunts, escape rooms, picnic potlucks, and volunteering can bring employees together, but there are more unique and adventurous ways to improve your workplace with team-building too.

Here’s how to plan a corporate fishing charter and why this type of team-building activity might be just what your company needs.

Benefits of Corporate Fishing Charters

There are many benefits to fishing together with people that you work with, such as fostering camaraderie and promoting teamwork in a relaxing environment. This unique team-building activity offers an opportunity to get your employees out of the office and out into nature, where they can admire the beauty around them and rediscover shared goals.

Your team will get to know each other in new ways and learn new skills onboard a fishing charter boat, and then everyone can celebrate their accomplishments together in a positive and supportive setting. The skills and connections learned on a fishing charter can help employees show their appreciation for each other, improve communication, respect differences, increase productivity, and strengthen teamwork when they get back to the normal work environment.

How Corporate Fishing Charters Work

When you book a corporate fishing charter with us in Panama, you can fish anywhere in the Gulf of Chiriquí and Hannibal Bank. We’ll teach you everything you need to know about the various species of fish, including yellowfin tuna, and make the whole adventure easy by picking you up at your hotel’s dock in Boca Chica or at the David Airport.

Your Panama fishing day charter will include all the tackle and gear you need, as well as food, drinks, safety equipment, and an English-speaking captain and mate. If you’d like to turn the day trip into an overnight team-building activity, accommodations are available in our sport fishing lodge that is off-grid with modern comforts. 

Plan Your Corporate Fishing Trip with Us!

Are you ready to think outside the box and plan a team-building activity that your employees will truly benefit from while making amazing memories together? Panama fishing is a great choice because there are generally calm seas year-round and over 50 species of game fish to keep everyone in your group challenged and entertained.

You can contact Captain Shane directly to discuss the details of what you are looking for in a team-building trip by calling him at 11 (507) 6675-7191 or e-mailing him at [email protected]. You can also fill out our online form to tell us about your company’s team-building goals and the number of people in your group so that we can create a charter fishing experience that matches your company goals and fits within your business budget.